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Enlyte Blog

Case Management: Meaning and Purpose in the Workplace

October 16, 2019

At Coventry, our Field Case Managers have a place where they can truly find meaning and purpose in their nursing practice. Our field nurses continue to be patient advocates and bring about positive outcomes through their diligence to best practices.

Workers' Comp Blog

Compound Kit and Combo Pack Trends in 2018

October 14, 2019

As traditional compound utilization and cost continue to decline, high impact therapeutic categories are emerging to take their place.

Workers' Comp Blog

Prescription and Private Label Topical Trends in 2018

October 7, 2019

Topicals represent 5.1% of total prescriptions and 14% of total drug cost, and are being prescribed as an alternative to some oral medications.

Workers' Comp Blog

High Impact Drug Class Trends in 2018

September 30, 2019

Compared with opioids, other high impact drug classes like topicals, compound kits, combo packs, and specialty medications, represent proportionately low volume. However, they can be associated with exponentially significant costs. Recognizing the trends related to such cost drivers can help promote clinically-appropriate savings.

Workers' Comp Blog

Beyond the Status Quo

September 23, 2019

We have been conditioned to expect that “best” equates to positive, desired results. Whether in sports, business or healthcare – we strive beyond good or better and desire the “best.”  But implementing accepted status quo best practices doesn’t guarantee optimum results. History is scattered with epic examples of “best” induced stagnation or worse outcomes.

Workers' Comp Blog

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Trends in 2018

September 16, 2019

Opioid dependence and abuse are prevalent and continue to be a concern in our society and the workers’ compensation population. Medication-assisted treatment using methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone along with counseling and other support is one of the options for managing opioid use disorder. Analyzing the trends within our data related to these types of medications can provide valuable additional insight into the prevalence of evidence-based and guideline-supported approaches related to overall opioid strategy. 

Workers' Comp Blog

Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED) Trends in 2018

September 9, 2019

Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED) remains a valuable indicator of risk when it comes to opioids, and we continue to see downward trends through 2018 that align with best practice recommendations.

Eyebrow Text-edited

Headline Title Text-edited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis at augue vehicula tempor. Integer ut nulla diam. Etiam leo libero, tincidunt sed dictum ac, interdum dignissim enim. Etiam at sapien porttitor augue pharetra convallis eleifend eget magna. Nunc commodo arcu vel ligula tempor imperdiet.

Eyebrow Text-edited

Headline Title Text-edited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis at augue vehicula tempor. Integer ut nulla diam. Etiam leo libero, tincidunt sed dictum ac, interdum dignissim enim. Etiam at sapien porttitor augue pharetra convallis eleifend eget magna. Nunc commodo arcu vel ligula tempor imperdiet.


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