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Workers' Comp Blog

How Differences in Claim Age and Population Affect Opioid Trends

September 2, 2018

Management of opioid therapy can be influenced by the types of drugs filled, differing patient populations, and the nature of the injury. Don’t miss our latest video blog where we will review some of the differences that point to the importance of early intervention and identification of long term risk. 

Workers' Comp Blog

Positive Compound Trends Continue in Work Comp

August 26, 2018

Utilization and costs associated with compound medications fell significantly for both managed and unmanaged claims in 2017.

Workers' Comp Blog

Overall Opioid Costs and Utilization is Down

August 19, 2018

Overall opioid cost and utilization continue to drop, due in part to market, societal, and regulatory influences, and the trend is expected to continue.

Workers' Comp Blog

Brand and Generic Trends in Managed and Unmanaged Populations

July 15, 2018

Regulars at Costco know the Kirkland name well. The in-house brand offers a generic equivalent for a range of products the warehouse chain’s deal-seeking customers are after.

Workers' Comp Blog

Top Therapeutic Classes by Cost and Utilization

July 8, 2018

Therapeutic classes falling within the top 10 most utilized and costly categories had some interesting, although not altogether unsurprising, movement. View out our latest

Workers' Comp Blog

Managed vs. Unmanaged — A View Into All Pharmacy Transactions and the Differences Between Their Claim Populations

July 2, 2018

The next time you look up at the night sky and marvel at the countless stars consider this: For all the things you can see, there is far more you cannot.

Workers' Comp Blog

A Look at the Foundation of Work Comp Pharmacy Trends

May 22, 2018

We are excited to kick off this blogging effort by discussing the workers’ compensation trends we have identified in our 2017 annual Drug Trends Series and to dig into some of the key drivers behin

Eyebrow Text-edited

Headline Title Text-edited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis at augue vehicula tempor. Integer ut nulla diam. Etiam leo libero, tincidunt sed dictum ac, interdum dignissim enim. Etiam at sapien porttitor augue pharetra convallis eleifend eget magna. Nunc commodo arcu vel ligula tempor imperdiet.

Eyebrow Text-edited

Headline Title Text-edited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis at augue vehicula tempor. Integer ut nulla diam. Etiam leo libero, tincidunt sed dictum ac, interdum dignissim enim. Etiam at sapien porttitor augue pharetra convallis eleifend eget magna. Nunc commodo arcu vel ligula tempor imperdiet.


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