Workers' Comp

2019 Recap

December 23, 2019

As we wrap up the year, we’d like to thank everyone who supported The Sounding Board blog in 2019. The official launch took place in July and since then we have shared 47 posts. We thought it fitting to cap off the end of the year, with a review of our top three most viewed posts. The Drug Trends Series posts were the big winners in 2019 with 82% of total views, the most being posts from August. Our readers hail from all over the world, including Canada, China, India, South Korea, Brazil, Egypt, France, Australia, Denmark, Ireland, and more. Read on to see some stats regarding our top three posts and our recommendations. Most viewed post: Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED) Continues to Declinemed post As part of our Annual Drug Trends Series, this piece was first published on September 10, 2019 is a video blog presented by Nikki Wilson, Pharm D.. The post discusses why MED remains a valuable indicator of risk regarding opioids and the trends in 2018 that align with best practice recommendations. 2nd most viewed post: Top 5 Opioid Medication Trends in 2018top 5 opioid This piece is also a video blog, presented by Nikki Wilson, Pharm D. as part of our Annual Drug Trends Series. It was published on August 27, 2019. Here Nikki discusses the decline in use and cost of opioids in 2018. 3rd most viewed post: Investigating the Top Therapeutic Classestop therapeutic class.png This piece on top therapeutic classes was our third most viewed post of the year. It was published on July 9, 2019 and again, written by Nikki Wilson, Pharm D. as part of our Annual Drug Trends series. The post informs us again, that opioid usage is on the decline but also depicts the decline in usage of 9 other therapeutic classes from 2017 and 2018. We learn about the factors that contributed to the changes in usage and how they rank in utilization in 2018 compared to 2017. A few of other notable posts include Case Management: Meaning and Purpose in the Workplace. This piece introduces a video interview featuring Zehra Mirza, Coventry our Field Case Manager. She gives a firsthand account about work-life balance, finding meaning and purpose in her work, advocating for the injured worker and why she loves being a case manager. Also check out Beyond the Status Quo. This is an entirely new perspective on why the “best” isn’t always what’s best and how artificial intelligence helps monitor our network and medical claim outcomes. In a post that almost anyone can relate to, Embracing Technology: Old School vs. New, we’re treated to a few anecdotes from the writer about struggles with technology, and ultimately learning to embrace them. We also learn about which generations are embracing technology as part of their medical care plan. We’d love to hear your feedback on our posts. Tell us what you’d like to learn more about. Coventry Workers’ Comp has access to hundreds of subject matter experts who can’t wait to share what they’ve learned with you. Please contact us at with your ideas. If you haven’t already, feel free to subscribe via email by entering your information into the box on the right of any page and click “Subscribe”.