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Enlyte Article

Enlyte Experts Discuss the Benefit of a Holistic Approach to Pharmacy

June 24, 2024

Seizing opportunity within the complexities of workers’ comp prescription utilization requires a holistic approach that manages all transactions to gain the full picture of medications being utilized. This Enlytening Conversation covers key factors for payers to consider that impact pharmacy utilization and cost, including legislative and regulatory challenges, physician dispensing, utilization controls, complex billing issues and cost management solutions that consider therapy as a whole.

Enlyte Article

Rising Temperatures and Rising Risks: Ensuring Workplace Safety with Enlyte's ClinicalCare24

June 18, 2024

As temperatures climb, so do the risks of workplace injuries related to heat. Recent studies, including comprehensive research by the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), highlight the growing impact of heat on workplace injuries and workers' compensation claims. With summer in full swing, it is crucial for businesses to implement strategies that prevent heat-related injuries and provide immediate, effective responses when they occur.

Enlyte Article

Top Trends in P&C Networks

June 10, 2024

Explore key workers' comp provider industry trends, including consolidation, network adequacy, and strategies.

Enlyte Case Study

Specialty Solutions Deliver Brighter Outcomes for Both Injured Employee and Employer

June 5, 2024

Discover how coordinated care and the integration of durable medical equipment empowered a security guard with spinal injuries to gain independence and reduce reliance on home health care.

Enlyte Podcast

Cool Tips for Beating the Heat at Work

June 4, 2024

Summer’s finally here and, as the weather warms up, it also creates some real issues for employees across the U.S. To talk about this issue in more detail, Melissa Martinez, RN, BSN, clinical operations manager of Enlyte’s ClinicalCare24 program, offers strategies to prevent and treat heat-related issues on the job

Enlyte CE Webinar

Cost Projections Services and Legal/Liability Nurse Reviews


This presentation will delve into the definition, utilization, and value of these services, case studies and best practices.

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Best Practices in Workers' Compensation Utilization Review


This course aims to help claims professionals and clinical staff navigate these jurisdictional complexities by focusing on developing a better understanding of preauthorization requirements, drug f

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