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Genex Case Study

Heart of Case Management Awards 2017

May 10, 2017

Genex recognizes its extraordinary case management team through its 2017 Heart of Case Management Awards.

Genex Case Study

The Rise of a Real-life Robocop: Meet Jeremy

April 18, 2017

What if everything you’ve worked for was lost in a single moment?

Workers' Comp White Paper

Critical Elements in Recovery from Injuries and Disability

March 9, 2017

Trust and Belief

Workers' Comp White Paper

Telemedicine - Telehealth

January 11, 2017

Once upon a very different time, doctors arrived at one’s doorstep carrying a black bag packed with a thermometer, a stethoscope, and other tools — but that hasn’t been standard operating procedure for recent generations. Today, millennials and others who have never had a health care provider in their living room are benefiting from virtual house calls, which can help increase access to clinicians, facilitate appropriate care and support better outcomes. Marrying clinical support and technology can have many benefits, and it is time to apply them to workers’ compensation.

Genex Case Study

Seeing Red: Warning Signs of off-track claims

January 5, 2017

Red flags in workers comp’ case management are indicators signaling potential problems that could adversely impact an injured employee’s timely recovery, return to work, and the ul

Genex Case Study

Case Management and You: What to Expect & What to Demand

January 5, 2017

Getting in

Genex Case Study

Case Study: Food and Beverage

January 1, 2017

Genex returned injured food and beverage industry workers to their jobs more than five weeks faster than the At-Risk Date from the ODG claims database.

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