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Workers' Comp Blog

Top-Ranking Drug Classes in 2019

June 15, 2020

As part of our annual drug trends series, we’re taking a deeper dive into some of the therapeutic classes showing the biggest increases among the top 10 ranked by cost from our 2019 analysis.

Workers' Comp Blog

Impact of Masks on the Deaf Community

June 10, 2020

While everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in one way or another, the deafblind community has been affected in a detrimental way that most people may not have considered. With the already existing communication challenges, wearing masks has added yet another complicated barrier to communication between hearing and hearing impaired, hard of hearing, deaf and deafblind people.

Workers' Comp Blog

Opioid Trends Continue to Decline in 2019

June 8, 2020

irst Script saw continued decreasing opioid trends across our retail and mail-order programs in 2019, even while overall prescription trends saw a slight upward shift in utilization per claim and cost per claim. Even with these changes, opioids remain the #1 therapeutic class by usage and cost, however, 2019 marked the largest reduction of the last 5 years in the percentage of opioid scripts with greater than or equal to 90 MED.

Workers' Comp Blog

Networks Support Telemedicine for Continued Care

June 1, 2020

Workers’ comp injuries are unique because they typically require face-to-face visits with medical professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat. When a provider’s office is closed it can significantly impact an employee’s ability to return to work. As injured workers faced temporary office closures, postponed surgeries and cancelled therapy appointments, we knew that as a workers’ compensation provider network we had to be innovative and lead the charge for their care.

Workers' Comp Blog

Introducing Networks 2.0: Part Three

May 25, 2020

Payers and the companies they represent are eager to get injured workers back on their feet and back on the job. Many of these companies represent the heavyweights of corporate America. Major employers like manufacturers, large retailers, and airlines rely on comprehensive return-to-work programs to help their injured employees recover. The best programs do far more than safeguard the bottom line. They focus on truly addressing the needs of injured workers themselves. That’s because the longer workers are away, the less likely it is they will return to the workplace. The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board has broken down some statistics, and reports that there is only a 50 percent chance that an injured employee will return to work after a six-month absence. That drops to a 25 percent chance following a one-year absence. After two years away, the likelihood a worker will return plunges to a 1 percent chance.

Workers' Comp Blog

Coventry Cares

May 21, 2020

In a recent company-wide survey, Coventry employees shared what they have been doing to be of assistance during this unusual and trying time. Those who responded shared that they have spent over 500+ hours of personal time volunteering! While most of those are making masks (over 500+ created so far) and helping people who need food, we’re also helping at places of worship, mentoring young people and tutoring.

Workers' Comp Blog

For Coventry NT24 and Nurse Educators: It takes a village

May 18, 2020

Continuing the Nurses Month celebration, we’d like to share personal stories about some of our nurses.


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Mitchell simplifies and accelerates claims management and collision repair processes through the broadest range of technology solutions, networks, and partners in the P&C industry.

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Helping Injured Workers Get Better, Faster.

Genex helps injured employees return to their jobs in a safe and efficient manner through compassionate case management while reducing total claim cost.

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