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Workers' Comp Blog

As robots come to work, our tasks will include safety and quality

March 30, 2020

Robots are coming for your job. That’s the thrust of much of the discussion around automation and work. While that might one day prove true for many of us, the more immediate consideration is that robots are coming to your job. This means as employers weave more automation into workplaces, they will need to further consider how workers and semi-autonomous machines interact.

Workers' Comp Blog

Why use antidepressants to treat pain?

March 23, 2020

Why use antidepressants to treat pain? The nation’s focus on the ongoing opioid epidemic and stricter guidelines on opioid prescribing has led to an increased utilization of non-opioid pain treatments in workers’ compensation. In a previous blog post, we looked at the use of anticonvulsants to treat pain because of their ability to create effective pain relief without the cravings, tolerance, or addiction issues that are typically associated with narcotics. Another therapeutic class commonly used to treat chronic pain is antidepressants, which may even be prescribed when depression is not a diagnosed condition for the injured worker.

Workers' Comp Blog

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Workers’ Comp

March 16, 2020

PTSD typically starts with exposure to a critical incident. In order to meet the definition of PTSD, symptoms must last 30 days or more and disrupts normal life pursuits. It results from violation of expectations, deeply held beliefs, core beliefs such as belief in a just and fair world, need to trust others, self-esteem-self efficacy, and need for predictable and safe world.

Workers' Comp Blog

Is there a new concern related to Gabapentin use and serious breathing problems?

March 9, 2020

In a drug safety communication from FDA Medwatch, the FDA warns about serious breathing difficulties related to the use of gabapentinoid (GabaP) medications in patients with other respiratory risk factors.1

Workers' Comp Blog

No doctor, no problem

March 2, 2020

If you’ve had a medical appointment lately, it’s possible you didn’t see a doctor at all. For decades, the American medical system has been utilizing physician extenders including nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) to assist with the rising demands of healthcare. In recent years, their role has expanded to be more autonomous, like having the ability to give diagnoses and write prescriptions. Pharmacists are also beginning to take on new roles. Retail stores with clinics inside and urgent care clinics are at the forefront of this new, convenient patient care.

Workers' Comp Blog

The new guy at work might soon be a robot

February 24, 2020

We’ve all seen those fascinating videos of robots on an assembly line – long, articulated arms whipping from task to task. That’s what many of us rightly think of when we consider the growing role of automation in the workplace. While that’s part of it, in the coming years we won’t just watch robots in action, we’ll work alongside them and even in tandem with them thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).

Workers' Comp Blog

Not all victims of workplace trauma sustain physical injuries

February 17, 2020

Nearly two million Americans experience violence in the workplace annually1. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, workplace violence is the second-leading cause of occupational injury each year.2 Crisis intervention mitigates the harmful effects of traumatic stress, provides support, and offers encouragement to accelerate recovery. Doing so is not only the right thing to do, but it can also prevent losses to productivity at both an individual and organizational level.


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