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Workers' Comp Blog

Opioids & Benzodiazepines...a Bad Mix?

May 27, 2019

There are certainly risks associated with combined use of an opioid and a benzodiazepine. Taking an opioid pain medication with other opioid medicines, benzodiazepines, alcohol, or other Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants (including street drugs) can cause severe drowsiness, decreased awareness, breathing problems, coma, and death. These risks occur because opioids and benzodiazepines affect the CNS, which controls most of the functions of the brain and body.

Workers' Comp Blog

What Will Opioid Legislation do for Pharmacy and Opioid Risk Management?

May 20, 2019

In October 2018, Congress passed H.R.6, the “Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act” (also known as SUPPORT for Patients and Com

Workers' Comp Blog

Navigating the Landscape of Drug Formularies and Prescribing and Treatment Guidelines

November 4, 2018

Over the course of the next several years we can expect more and more jurisdictions to move towards adoption of legislative and/or regulatory measures as an effort to combat the nation’s opioid crisis and to control prescription utilization and cost. Our latest video covers tools such as closed formularies and opioid prescribing limits, along with prescribing oversight measures such as treatment guidelines.

Workers' Comp Blog

The Growing Federal and State Challenges of Medical Marijuana

October 28, 2018

As of October 2018 a total of 29 states and the District of Columbia currently allow for medical marijuana and cannabis programs. What implications does this pose for workers’ compensation? Our latest video covers the current legislative and regulatory trends at the state and federal levels, along with the potential implications for the workers’ compensation industry.

Workers' Comp Blog

When are Specialty Drugs, Biologics, and Biosimilars Used in Workers’ Compensation?

October 21, 2018

For workers’ compensation, specialty drugs are prescribed to treat conditions either directly or indirectly related to workplace injuries or illnesses. Directly related conditions, such as HIV and hepatitis, might occur when individuals are exposed to contaminated material (i.e. those working in healthcare or emergency service settings). Indirectly related conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, are common, and the subsequent work disability and/or potential of being linked to this group of illnesses is significant. Other indirectly related conditions that could be compensable in workers’ compensation are those aggravated by a workplace injury, including multiple sclerosis. The impact specialty drugs will have on workers’ compensation claims will depend largely on the demographics of the insured population.

Workers' Comp Blog

The Difference Between Specialty Drugs, Biologics, and Biosimilars

October 14, 2018

In the world of workers’ comp pharmacy benefit management, understanding generics vs. brand name drugs, narcotics, muscle relaxants, and compounds now seems relatively simple as compared with the latest pharmacy terminology: specialty drugs, biologics, and biosimilars. These terms are making the headlines with increased frequency, and while some think they are interchangeable, there truly are distinctions between them.  

Workers' Comp Blog

Topical Trend Differences: Understanding Drug Mix

October 7, 2018

Topical medication cost and utilization continue to decrease in the managed population. However, in the unmanaged space we continue to see year-over-year increases in both cost and utilization. Understanding the differences in the types of topical medications dominating each space can help us to target pharmaceutical management strategies that weed out price opportunists and ensure the most appropriate care.

Eyebrow Text-edited

Headline Title Text-edited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis at augue vehicula tempor. Integer ut nulla diam. Etiam leo libero, tincidunt sed dictum ac, interdum dignissim enim. Etiam at sapien porttitor augue pharetra convallis eleifend eget magna. Nunc commodo arcu vel ligula tempor imperdiet.

Eyebrow Text-edited

Headline Title Text-edited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mattis at augue vehicula tempor. Integer ut nulla diam. Etiam leo libero, tincidunt sed dictum ac, interdum dignissim enim. Etiam at sapien porttitor augue pharetra convallis eleifend eget magna. Nunc commodo arcu vel ligula tempor imperdiet.


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